Madar Training Centre
Strategy (1): Methodology of Training (Learning by Doing)


  • To ensure there is a Lead Internal Verifier in each principal subject area for Level 1-3 qualifications.
  • To ensure that Internal Verification is valid, reliable and covers all Assessors and programme activity.
  • To ensure that the Internal Verification procedure is open, fair and free from bias.
  • To ensure that there is accurate and detailed recording of Internal Verification decisions.
  • In order to do this, the centre will ensure that:
  • Where required by the qualification, a lead internal verifier is appropriately appointed for each subject area.
  • Each lead internal verifier oversees effective internal verification systems in their subject area.
  • Staff are briefed and trained in the requirements for current internal verification procedures.
  • Effective internal verification roles are defined, maintained and supported.
  • Internal verification is promoted as a developmental process between staff.
  • Standardised internal verification documentation is provided and used.
  • All centre assessment instruments (assignment briefs) are verified as fit for purpose.
  • An annual internal verification schedule, linked to assessment plans, is in place.
  • An appropriately structured sample of assessment from all programmes, units, sites and assessors is internally verified, to ensure centre programmes conform to the required standard.
  • Secure records of all internal verification activity are maintained.
  • the outcome of internal verification is used to enhance future assessment practice.
  1. Aim:
    • To ensure that assessment methodology is valid, reliable and does not disadvantage or advantage any group of learners or individuals.
    • To ensure that the assessment procedure is open, fair and free from bias and to the required standard.
    • To ensure that there is accurate and detailed recording of assessment decisions.
        In order to do this, the centre will:
    • Ensure that learners are provided with assignments that are relevant and fit for purpose, to enable them to produce appropriate evidence for assessment.
    • Produce a clear and accurate assessment plan at the start of the programme/academic year.
    • Provide clear, published dates for handout of assignments and deadlines for assessment.
    • Assess learner’s evidence using only the published assessment and grading criteria.
    • Ensure that assessment decisions are impartial, valid and reliable.
    • Not limit or ‘cap’ learner achievement if work is submitted late.
    • Develop assessment procedures that will minimise the opportunity for malpractice.
    • Maintain accurate and detailed records of assessment decisions.


  • To register individual learners to the correct programme within agreed timescales.
  • To claim valid learner certificates within agreed timescales.
  • To construct a secure, accurate and accessible audit trail to ensure that individual learner registration and certification claims can be tracked to the certificate which is issued for each learner.

    In order to do this, the centre will:

  • Register each learner within Pearson’s requirements.
  • Provide a mechanism for programme teams to check the accuracy of learner registrations.
  • Make each learner aware of their registration status.
  • Inform Pearson of withdrawals, transfers or changes to learner details.
  • Ensure that certificate claims are timely and based only on internally verified assessment records.
  • Audit certificate claims made to Pearson.
  • Audit the certificates received from Pearson to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Keep all records safely and securely for three years post certification.

    This policy will be reviewed every *** months by ***.

  • Inform the learner at induction, of the Appeals Policy and procedure.
  • Record, track and validate any appeal.
  • Forward the appeal to Pearson when a learner considers that a decision continues to disadvantage her/him after the Internal appeals process has been exhausted.
  • Keep appeals records for inspection by Pearson for a minimum of 18 months.
  • Have a staged appeals procedure.
  • Will take appropriate action to protect the interests of other learners and the integrity of the qualification, when the Outcome of an appeal questions the validity of other results.
  • Monitor appeals to inform quality improvement.


  • To enable the learner to enquire, question or appeal against an assessment decision.
  • To attempt to reach agreement between the learner and the Assessor at the earliest opportunity.
  • To standardise and record any appeal to ensure openness and fairness.
  • To facilitate a learner’s ultimate right of appeal to Pearson, where appropriate.
  • To protect the interests of all learners and the integrity of the qualification.

In order to do this, the centre will:

  • Inform the learner at induction, of the Appeals Policy and procedure.
  • Record, track and validate any appeal.
  • Forward the appeal to Pearson when a learner considers that a decision continues to disadvantage her/him after the Internal appeals process has been exhausted.
  • Keep appeals records for inspection by Pearson for a minimum of 18 months.
  • Have a staged appeals procedure.
  • Will take appropriate action to protect the interests of other learners and the integrity of the qualification, when the Outcome of an appeal questions the validity of other results.
  • Monitor appeals to inform quality improvement.

This policy will be reviewed every *months*.